UM FK Lecturer in Surabaya: Do This If a Child Has Typhoid Fever

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Gambar Artikel UM FK Lecturer in Surabaya: Do This If a Child Has Typhoid Fever
  • 25 Oct
  • 2022

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UM FK Lecturer in Surabaya: Do This If a Child Has Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever or typhus is an acute disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi. This bacterium is usually found in contaminated water or food. In addition, this bacterium can also be transmitted from infected people.

UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine (FK) lecturer Gina Noor Djalilah said that antibiotic treatment was the only and most effective treatment for typhoid fever. According to him there are several treatments that can be done.

First, drink lots of water. Drinking water when you are sick with typhus helps prevent dehydration caused by prolonged fever and diarrhea. If you are severely dehydrated, your doctor will give fluids through a vein (infusion).

Second, so that you get well soon, rest is what helps the recovery process of this disease. Try not to do a variety of strenuous activities that drain your energy so that your body can get fit immediately and avoid typhoid complications.

Third, eat foods that are easy to digest. Typhus is a disorder of the intestine, so it is recommended to eat foods that are easily digested, such as porridge and other soft foods.

"That way, the work of the intestine becomes lighter. Eating foods that are easy to digest also makes the nutrients in food absorbed by the body more quickly,” concluded Gina.