Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya: This is the first aid that must be done when a child has a fever

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Gambar Artikel Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya: This is the first aid that must be done when a child has a fever
  • 20 Oct
  • 2022

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Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya: This is the first aid that must be done when a child has a fever

The most worrying thing for parents is when the child is sick. The most frightening illness condition is when the child has a high fever. Fever is indeed the most dominant symptom of the many markers of illness in children.

Information about the use of drugs causes many parents to be even more confused about how to treat their child when they have a fever.

UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine (FK) lecturer Gina Noor Djalilah who is also a Pediatric Specialist shares a number of tips for dealing with children when a high fever occurs.

According to Gina, the first is to stay calm and don't panic yet. Next, measure the child's temperature using a thermometer. It is important for parents to have a thermometer at home. If the child has a temperature above 37.5 C then the child has a fever.

“The three compresses wipe with warm water. Warm compresses on the armpit folds and groin folds for 10-15 minutes to help reduce fever. Do it regularly every 30-45 minutes,” said Gina Thursday (20/10/22)

Fourth use thin clothes and blankets. Clothes that are too thick run the risk of raising your little one's body temperature. Set the room temperature as comfortable as possible and not too hot. Open the bedroom window so that the air circulation is good enough and the room temperature is maintained.

Fifth, meet your fluid needs by drinking. Usually when children are not feeling well they tend to be reluctant to eat and drink.

"When they have a fever, children need to get adequate fluid intake because the water in their bodies quickly disappears because they sweat or because they pee a lot," he added.

According to Gina, if a child has a fever accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, water in the body can easily be lost. Therefore, parents need to encourage their children to consume liquids, both warm drinks and water at normal temperature.

Fifth, eat hot food. Hot food, such as porridge or chicken soup, can help children to maintain their stamina even when they are not fit. Don't forget to add your intake of fruits that are rich in vitamin C, because vitamin C really helps to increase the body's immunity against bacteria or viruses that cause fever in children.

Seven light massage. One way to deal with high fever children naturally is to massage them with herbal ingredients, such as essential oils. Mix the oil with garlic, coconut oil, and tamarind. Apply to the feet, hands and stomach of the child.

Eighth keep the room temperature. Maintaining room temperature means that the room or room occupied by the child is neither too hot nor too cold.

Ninth, avoid using a fan that is too strong. One of the causes of high fever is the wind that enters the child's body. To overcome this, parents can keep children away from the reach of the fan.

Lastly, get enough rest. When the child's body temperature rises, make sure the child gets enough rest in a quiet room. Sleep has many benefits for the body when you have a fever, including allowing the body to recover energy spent by the immune system fighting infection.

“Sleep also helps relieve stress from illness. During sleep, the child's body will replenish the cells that have been lost, including white blood cells which have a vital function against bacteria and viruses in the body," concluded Gina.