Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya Shares Tips for Choosing the Right Skincare According to Skin

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Gambar Artikel Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya Shares Tips for Choosing the Right Skincare According to Skin
  • 10 Aug
  • 2022

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Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya Shares Tips for Choosing the Right Skincare According to Skin

There are many kinds of skincare that are produced according to various skin types. To make it right and fit your needs, there are tips you can try when choosing skin care products or skincare.

In a written statement, Nenny Triastuti, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UM Surabaya, explained that when choosing skincare you can't be careless because every skin requires different care.

According to Nenny, the content of skin care products has been adjusted to the needs of each skin. Dry skin will be treated differently from oily or combination skin. Nenny shared 5 tips on how to choose skincare.

First, buy according to skin type. There are 5 types of skin that can be found in society, namely normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive skin. Before choosing skincare, one is advised to first check the condition of the skin to the doctor.

“This is important so you don't make a mistake in determining your skin type. Because, if someone doesn't know their skin type, it will be difficult to determine the right skincare," explained Nenny Wednesday (10/8/22)

Second, make sure skincare is registered with BPOM. Before buying the skin care product you want, you should first check whether the product has been registered with BPOM or not.

Nenny explained that someone could check it through the official BPOM website. By checking, someone can avoid things that are not desirable. Because currently there are many products that falsify BPOM permits.

Third, pay attention to the composition of the product. Beauty products for normal skin certainly have a different ingredient composition than skincare for sensitive skin care.

“It is important to read the composition of the product before buying it. This is important to do to avoid allergic reactions," he added.

Nenny explained that skin types that do not have restrictions are normal skin types.

If someone's skin is an oily skin type, it's best to avoid products that are oily. It is recommended to use a gel for this skin type.

"Meanwhile, for dry skin itself, avoid using products that contain alcohol, and for sensitive skin avoid products that contain alcohol or fragrance," said the lecturer who is also a beauty doctor.

Fourth, choose products that contain sunscreen or sunblock. The climate in Indonesia includes a tropical climate where the intensity of sunlight is quite a lot. To avoid the effects of sunlight, one needs to use skincare which contains sunscreen or sunblock.

“These ingredients can protect from UVA, UVB and UVC rays. UV rays can penetrate the skin and cause premature aging.

Sunscreen as well as sunblock  have the same function, namely to protect the skin from UV rays, it's just different in how it works," he emphasized.

Lastly, don't fall for ads. Tips on how to choose the right skincare is not to be persuaded by advertisements. Many beauty products promise instant results but are risky.

A good skincare product takes quite a long time to beautify the skin naturally.

According to Nenny, the results of treatment will usually appear after 1-2 months of use. The safety of using beauty products that offer instant results may not be guaranteed.

"The use of  skincare needs consistency because everything requires process and effort. Therefore there are no beauty products that give instant results," he said.