Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya Shares Tips to Prevent Dull Skin and Black Spots on the Face

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Gambar Artikel Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya Shares Tips to Prevent Dull Skin and Black Spots on the Face
  • 24 Oct
  • 2022

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Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya Shares Tips to Prevent Dull Skin and Black Spots on the Face

Dull skin and dark spots are a problem that many people often experience. Especially for women in Indonesia. The geographical location of Indonesia which is in a tropical area with high sunlight causes sun exposure which has an impact on signs of premature aging including dark spots and dull skin.

UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine (FK) Lecturer Neny Triastuti who is also a Beauty Doctor shared a number of tips to prevent dull skin and black spots on the face.

According to Neny, the first is the use of SPF. Sun Protection Factor or sunscreen is a skin care product to prevent sunlight from directly attacking the surface of the skin, causing skin damage such as dark spots and skin burning. One can use SPF with levels of 25 to 48.

Second, increase the consumption of water. Nearly 90% of our body composition consists of water. The skin is a part of the body that requires moisture to prevent dryness which can damage the face.

"Always take care of your body to avoid dehydration by drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day for adults," said Neny Monday (24/10/22)

All three wear protection. Face protection such as using a hat or umbrella can help prevent the face from being exposed to sunlight that is harmful to the skin.

Fourth, reduce outdoor activities during the day. Sunlight during the day can easily damage facial skin. It is recommended to avoid outdoor activities during the day.

Fifth, don't carelessly clean your face. Acne is certainly very disturbing appearance. But if you carelessly press on pimples that are not clean or with hands or materials that are not sterile, this will risk causing damage to your face in the form of spots due to pressure sores on pimples.

Sixth treatment with a mask. Masks are facial products that are useful for cleaning and brightening the face. Masks can also help prevent facial spots that can appear at any time.

"Face masks can help pamper the skin because they contain vitamins, minerals and other natural substances to treat the face," he added.

Finally, take vitamins. Vitamins can help maintain healthy skin. Consuming natural vitamins can be found from consuming fruit juices or taking vitamin supplements such as vitamins C and E. This is very useful for preventing black spots on the face.