Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya Shares 5 Natural Ways to Overcome Abdominal Pain during Menstruation

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Gambar Artikel Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya Shares 5 Natural Ways to Overcome Abdominal Pain during Menstruation
  • 07 Mar
  • 2023

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Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya Shares 5 Natural Ways to Overcome Abdominal Pain during Menstruation

Menstruation or menstruation is a monthly hormonal activity in women. Usually pain occurs at the beginning of the menstrual period, to be precise in the lower abdomen. Some women experience mild pain, while others find it heavy and unbearable to the point that it interferes with their daily routine.

Menstrual pain is commonly called dysmenorrhea, things that are felt like cramps, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, the inner thighs feel like they are being pulled, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, to headaches.

Muhammad Anas, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UM Surabaya, shared a number of treatment tips that women can do to relieve menstrual pain.

According to Anas, the first is to compress with warm water. Compressing warm water to the stomach area can relieve the pain that is felt. A person can fill a hot water bottle or a heating pad to place on the stomach. Heat in the stomach can relax the muscles and relieve spasms. In addition, heat helps relax the uterine muscles and surrounding organs, which automatically relieves cramps and discomfort, due to improved blood circulation.

“A person can also place a heating pad on the lower back to relieve back pain. Another alternative is that someone can soak in warm water to help relax the stomach, back and leg muscles," said Anas on Tuesday (7/3/23)

Second, do light activities. During menstruation a person is encouraged to keep doing light activities, because this can relieve pain. Someone is not advised strenuous activity.

Third, acupressure. Acupressure is an emphasis on acupuncture points that have an impact on the production of endorphins as pain relievers. The points that need to be massaged several times include; the hegu point between the base of the thumb and forefinger, which is located in the muscle area, the sanyinjiao point is located on the four toes above the ankle right at the end of the shin, the sacral points are located in the sacral area or around the coccyx, and finally the taichong point is located at the top of the foot, the point between the big toe and second toe.

Fourth, light massage. Gentle massage on the hips can also relax the pelvic muscles and reduce cramps. Before the massage, a person can apply massage oil, body cream or coconut oil to the skin to reduce cramps.

Fifth, apply essential oils. One can rub the stomach by adding a few drops of essential oils such as clove oil which contains high eugenol which is analgesic (pain reliever), anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. Lavender oil can relieve stress and reduce pain.

"One can also use peppermint oil because it has the main component of menthol which has a natural analgesic effect, as well as frankincense oil from the resin of the boswellia carterri tree which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties," concluded Anas.