FK Lecturer Explains Preventing Omicron in Children

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Gambar Artikel FK Lecturer Explains Preventing Omicron in Children
  • 14 Feb
  • 2022

Ilustrasi foto (Pixabay/Alexandra_Koch)

FK Lecturer Explains Preventing Omicron in Children

Children have a risk of being infected with the Omicron variant. Cases in children jumped dramatically in early January 2022. There were 324 cases found until February 7 2022, an increase of 1000% in the number of 7190 positive Covid-19 children, so parents must be vigilant and not underestimate health problems and know how to prevent the transmission of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 in child.

Gina Noor Djalilah, a health expert at UM Surabaya and a lecturer in pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) explained that the symptoms of Covid-19 in children are relatively flu-like because this disease attacks the upper respiratory tract.

"Symptoms reported in children infected with the Omicron variant of Covid-19 include fever, cough, barking cough with a hoarse voice, runny nose, sore throat, rash to diarrhea," explained Gina Monday (14/2/22)

Parents don't panic too much, the first step is to give fever-reducing drugs, give them plenty to drink and recognize the symptoms of the child who must be taken to the hospital, so that the antigen swab can be done immediately first.

Gina emphasized that other symptoms that need to be watched out for include the child not wanting to drink at all so he rarely urinates, the child has seizures, shortness of breath, continuous vomiting, persistent diarrhea, the child's awareness begins to decrease so that the child is limp and seems to be sleeping all the time .

"When these symptoms are found, parents immediately take care of it by bringing the child to the hospital so that a teleconsultation is immediately carried out for treatment," added Gina.

Furthermore, at the end of her statement, Gina gave tips to parents about preventing the Omicron variant of Covid-19. The first thing that can be done is not to take the child to crowds such as shopping malls, cinemas, closed crowded places, not to kiss the child after leaving the house, not to allow the child to be kissed by other people, immediately complete two doses of the Covid-19 vaccination at 4-week intervals on children aged 6-11 years according to government recommendations, stay calm and enthusiastic to be healthy.

"The pandemic isn't over yet, keep strict prokes by using masks, keeping your distance, washing your hands, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility and immediately complete the Covid-19 vaccination," he concluded.