FAI UM Surabaya Lecturer: This is the Virtue of Alms on Friday

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Gambar Artikel FAI UM Surabaya Lecturer: This is the Virtue of Alms on Friday
  • 03 Jun
  • 2022

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FAI UM Surabaya Lecturer: This is the Virtue of Alms on Friday

Alms is one of the great deeds of worship, its existence is not only related to serving the Khaliq, but also an attitude of solidarity with fellow human beings. Islam is a religion that teaches its adherents to always do good to fellow human beings, one of which is to sacrifice property to give to people who need it more.

Thoat Stiawan, a lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) UM Surabaya, explained that charity is a manifestation of gratitude for the gifts given by Allah SWT. As Allah SWT says in (QS Al Baqarah 2 verse 254).

“O you who believe! Spend some of the sustenance that We have given you before the day comes when there will be no more buying and selling, no more friendship, and no more intercession. Those who disbelieve are the wrongdoers."

"Alms have various benefits both in life in this world and in the hereafter, as the reward that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will give to those who give charity is listed in QS Al Baqarah," said Thoat Friday (3/6/22)

In QS Al Baqarah verse 261 explains the parable of a person who spends his wealth in the way of Allah like a seed that grows seven stalks, on each stalk there are one hundred seeds. Allah multiplies for whom He wills, and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Knowing.

According to him almsgiving can be done openly or secretly depending on our personal intentions, as the word of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

“If you show your alms, then that is good. And if you hide it and give it to poor people, then that is better for you and Allah will erase some of your mistakes. And Allah is Aware of what you do." (QS Al Baqarah 2 verse 271).

The explanation from the verse above, that charity can be done anytime and in any way, and wherever it is and to anyone. But charity has a greater reward if it is done at prime times, including on Fridays.

Imam Syafii in the book Al-Umm the things that are ordered on the day and night of Friday are narrated in the following hadith

"It has come to me from Abdillah bin Abi Aufa that the Messenger of Allah said, 'Read more blessings on me on Fridays, in fact the blessings are conveyed and I hear them'. The Prophet said, 'And on Friday the reward of charity is multiplied'." (Imam Asy Syafii, al-Umm, juz 1, p. 239).

Meanwhile, in another reference, Sheikh Ibn Hajar al-Haitami, al-Minhajul Qawim, p. 241.

"And more importantly emphasizing almsgiving at key times like Friday, the month of Ramadan, especially its last 10 days, the first 10 days of the month of Dzulhijjah and some holidays."