UM Surabaya DKV Lecturers Share Tips on Making Attractive CVs for Fresh Graduates

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya DKV Lecturers Share Tips on Making Attractive CVs for Fresh Graduates
  • 14 Mar
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya DKV Lecturers Share Tips on Making Attractive CVs for Fresh Graduates

The era of technological development has made competition in the world of work very tight, so currently looking for a job is not an easy thing. To compete with the large number of applicants, you need creativity in making a unique and interesting CV for a job application. For someone who is still in college, of course there is still a lot of time to prepare a creative CV for a job application before graduating from college.

Agus Budiman, a UM Surabaya Visual Communication Design (DKV) lecturer, said that a CV for an application is not only a matter of sentence structure and proper diction, but also needs a creative and interesting composition.

In his statement, Budi shared a number of tips on how to make an attractive CV.

First, proper grammar and diction. In building a communicative sentence, it is necessary to arrange the right diction so that the information that the job applicant wants to convey can be conveyed.

"Of course in choosing the right diction, you have to adjust the context of the situation and the identity of the interlocutor in a communication process, so that there are no misunderstandings in communication," said Budi Tuesday (14/3/23)

Second, the font is clear. Choosing the right letter font style for various needs is very important. Of course, fonts have their own strengths in conveying a communication. For a graphic designer, fonts are the core of a communication message, so that in choosing a font one should not be careless, but need to look at the desired needs. An error in choosing a font can mean that the message you want to convey cannot be conveyed.

Third, the composition and layout (layout). In addition to composition or layout fonts, they also have an important role in making a job CV. Compositions can be made through taste and taste, of course you need high flying hours and lots of references to the composition of the designs seen. With so many references to the design, the composition created will be built in an interesting way.

"Compositions and layouts also develop according to tastes and trends. What people used to think was interesting, is not necessarily interesting now, so in designing compositions you have to look at trends and markets," added Budi again.

Fourth, is color. Coloring in a design certainly makes the visuals more alive, attracts attention, builds appetite, and even influences our perception. In doing color on a CV design, one can refer to the concept of color weels or the color wheel.

"The concept of the color wheel is to avoid contrasting colors or colors that are too flashy, so the colors don't blend together. So playing with colors requires sharp instincts and tastes in order to bring out creative colors," he said.

Last is the picture. Besides text, images also have value in visuals. Usually in a CV, job applicants need to include a photo in the job application file. This is one way for applicants to build personal branding.

“Images or photos have a high sense of value, because the images or photos included will build a perception for the reader. So that photos can build trust and credibility for applicants, "concluded Budi.