Entering the rainy season, motorcycles really need to be checked and maintained. Apart from washing, the machine area and its surroundings also need attention. Because, if you don't pay attention, [Read More]
Dull skin and dark spots are a problem that many people often experience. Especially for women in Indonesia. The geographical location of Indonesia which is in a tropical area with high sunlight ca [Read More]
The humid conditions in the rainy season make it easy for germs and bacteria to multiply, so bacteria can appear anywhere and if someone is infected it can cause disease.Nurse at University [Read More]
The Ministry of Religion on October 5 2022 issued a Minister of Religion Regulation (PMA) regarding the prevention and handling of sexual violence in education units under the auspices of the Minis [Read More]
For the past few days, photos of the victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy have gone viral, their eyes turning red and never going away. The lively case was responded directly by UM Surabaya Faculty of [Read More]
In the rainy season, children are more susceptible to disease because the body is exposed to major changes in the atmosphere, causing a much larger number of microorganisms that the body has to fig [Read More]