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Gambar Artikel FKG UM Surabaya Lecturer: This is the Reason for the Importance of Changing Toothbrushes Every 3 Months
  • 13 Jul
  • 2023

FKG UM Surabaya Lecturer: This is the Reason for the Importance of Changing Toothbrushes Every 3 Months

One component that plays an important role in maintaining the cleanliness and health of the teeth and mouth is a toothbrush. The right toothbrush means that when used it can remove dirt properly, i [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Why should you fast before surgery? This is the Explanation of a UM Surabaya Lecturer
  • 12 Jul
  • 2023

Why should you fast before surgery? This is the Explanation of a UM Surabaya Lecturer

Ordinary people sometimes do not understand the reasons why before surgery, patients must fast first. It is not uncommon for the patient's family to give food or drink without the knowledge of the [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Frequent Nausea when Brushing Teeth, UM Surabaya FKG Lecturer Shares Tips on How to Overcome It
  • 11 Jul
  • 2023

Frequent Nausea when Brushing Teeth, UM Surabaya FKG Lecturer Shares Tips on How to Overcome It

Maintaining healthy teeth and mouth is an obligation. One of the easiest is to brush your teeth. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice a day, namely after eating and before going to bed. The [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Why Consumption of Carrion is Dangerous? This is the Explanation of a UM Surabaya Lecturer
  • 08 Jul
  • 2023

Why Consumption of Carrion is Dangerous? This is the Explanation of a UM Surabaya Lecturer

A few days ago, there were a lot of incidents where several residents died as a result of consuming beef that had become carrion. It was reported that the beef that was consumed, the cow died due t [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Is it true that too much consumption of hot food can damage teeth? This is the Explanation of the UM Surabaya FKG Lecturer
  • 07 Jul
  • 2023

Is it true that too much consumption of hot food can damage teeth? This is the Explanation of the UM Surabaya FKG Lecturer

Teeth are the hardest part of the body which is found in the oral cavity, having various shapes adapted to their functions such as cutting, tearing and grinding food. Dental hard tissue is composed [Read More]
Gambar Artikel When Should You Start Orthodontic Braces Treatment? This is the Explanation of the UM Surabaya FKG Lecturer
  • 06 Jul
  • 2023

When Should You Start Orthodontic Braces Treatment? This is the Explanation of the UM Surabaya FKG Lecturer

Basically the goal of orthodontic treatment is to position the teeth between the upper and lower jaws in a harmonious position, so that the position of the teeth that are neatly arranged can make i [Read More]