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Gambar Artikel Ini Tanggapan Pakar Hukum UM Surabaya Soal Topik Debat Cawapres RI
  • 22 Jan
  • 2024

Ini Tanggapan Pakar Hukum UM Surabaya Soal Topik Debat Cawapres RI

Satria Unggul Wicaksana Pakar Hukum UM Surabaya turut menanggapi gagasan dan pemikiran yang disampaikan tiga calon wakil presiden (cawapres) dalam debat pilihan presiden 2024 pada 21 Januari.   [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Pakar Hukum Internasional UM Surabaya Peringatkan Tentang Hak Pengungsi Rohingya
  • 29 Dec
  • 2023

Pakar Hukum Internasional UM Surabaya Peringatkan Tentang Hak Pengungsi Rohingya

Satria Unggul Wicaksana Pakar Hukum Internasional  UM Surabaya menyebut, kasus penolakan sebagian warga Aceh terhadap ratusan pengungsi Rohingya saat hendak berlabuh dengan perahu kayu bisa me [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Serangan Israel Kian Memanas, Pakar Hukum UM Surabaya Ungkap Hal Penting Ini
  • 02 Nov
  • 2023

Serangan Israel Kian Memanas, Pakar Hukum UM Surabaya Ungkap Hal Penting Ini

Situasi konflik bersenjata yang terjadi di Jalur Gaza semakin mengkhawatirkan dan menimbulkan korban yang luar biasa. Serangan roket, disertai dengan hujanan tembakan senjata berdasarkan data dari [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives These Three Messages to the Community Ahead of the 2024 Election
  • 11 Sep
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives These Three Messages to the Community Ahead of the 2024 Election

The excitement of the democratic party has begun to be felt in Indonesia. Several figures began to emerge and were put forward as candidates for number one in Indonesia.As a democratic count [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Former Convicts in Corruption Cases May Register as Candidates for the 2024 Election, This Says a Legal Expert at UM Surabaya
  • 04 Sep
  • 2023

Former Convicts in Corruption Cases May Register as Candidates for the 2024 Election, This Says a Legal Expert at UM Surabaya

Application for case Number 87/PUU-XX/2022 submitted by Leonardo Siahaan, Suhartoyo mentions prospective members of the DPR, provincial DPRD and district/city DPRD who have previously served a crim [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Law Expert at UM Surabaya Describes the Dangers of Populism in the 2024 Election Contest
  • 08 Aug
  • 2023

Law Expert at UM Surabaya Describes the Dangers of Populism in the 2024 Election Contest

Many political parties (political parties) are hooking up well-known artists ahead of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). This strategy is considered effective in attracting the electorate and winn [Read More]