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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Choosing Sacrificial Animals in Accordance with Islamic Shari'a
  • 13 Jun
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips on Choosing Sacrificial Animals in Accordance with Islamic Shari'a

In carrying out qurban worship, choosing an animal that is in accordance with Islamic law is an important step. Through proper selection, one can ensure that his qurban is accepted by Allah SWT. [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Explains the Virtue of Shawwal Fasting
  • 05 May
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Lecturer Explains the Virtue of Shawwal Fasting

A full month of fasting in Ramadan and celebrating Eid al-Fitr has passed, so what other practices are prioritized in the month of Shawwal? One of them is the recommendation of sunnah fasting for s [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: 5 Practices of the Sunnah of Eid al-Fitr for Muslims
  • 21 Apr
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Lecturer: 5 Practices of the Sunnah of Eid al-Fitr for Muslims

Eid al-Fitr is a celebration for all Muslims around the world, rejoicing in the day of victory that comes after carrying out a full month of Ramadan fasting. Even though this year the celebration o [Read More]
Gambar Artikel FAI UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for Maintaining Consistency of Tarawih Prayers in the Month of Ramadan
  • 13 Apr
  • 2023

FAI UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for Maintaining Consistency of Tarawih Prayers in the Month of Ramadan

One of the sunnah worship that is enthusiastically welcomed by Muslims is the tarawih prayer. The priority in carrying out the tarawih prayer itself is very large, namely getting forgiveness of sin [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Describes Things That Can Invalidate Fasting
  • 03 Apr
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Lecturer Describes Things That Can Invalidate Fasting

The obligation to carry out fasting is only for Muslims. The command to fast itself was obtained by Prophet Muhammad and his people during the month of Shaban, when Rasulullah SAW was building a ne [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 5 Tips to Stay Focused on Studying while Fasting
  • 31 Mar
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 5 Tips to Stay Focused on Studying while Fasting

Fasting is a mandatory worship that must be done by Muslims all over the world. People who fast usually experience a very weak, lethargic and tired body condition due to holding back hunger and thi [Read More]