BMKG Predicts Heavy Rain to Happen in a Number of Areas in East Java, UM Surabaya Lecturer Appeals for This

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Gambar Artikel BMKG Predicts Heavy Rain to Happen in a Number of Areas in East Java, UM Surabaya Lecturer Appeals for This
  • 03 May
  • 2023

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BMKG Predicts Heavy Rain to Happen in a Number of Areas in East Java, UM Surabaya Lecturer Appeals for This

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Juanda has announced weather forecasts and early warnings regarding the potential for moderate to heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds in a number of areas in East Java for today, so people must remain vigilant and maintain their health.

Chlara Yunita Prabawati Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) explained that in extreme weather like this everyone must take care of their health. Chlara said that these 3 diseases are prone to attack in the rainy season, so one must be more vigilant.

According to him, the diseases to watch out for are Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), diarrhea, and influenza (flu). These three are the highest prevalence of diseases that often attack children to the elderly.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) or often known as dengue fever is a tropical disease with an endemic category. This disease is caused by the dengue virus (DENV) which is spread by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

"This species of mosquito really likes to nest in clean water, so you have to be aware of the breeding process of Aedes Aegypti mosquito larvae during the rainy season which supports the number of mosquitoes breeding," said Chlara Tuesday (2/5/23)

He explained that the main symptoms were fever and the presence of patechiae or red spots on the skin surface. This disease is very susceptible to attack infants to the elderly, the highest risk of developing DHF is the occurrence of disability to death.

Second is diarrhea, in the rainy season like this diarrhea is very susceptible to attack. Diarrhea is caused by bacteria, parasites and viruses that contaminate water and food, the main source of this bacterial breeding process will increase rapidly during the rainy season and the temperature drops.

"The main symptom of diarrhea is the inability of the intestine to control the process of expelling liquid stools with a duration of more than 3 times, besides that abdominal pain, stomach cramps, and complications leading to dehydration often occur," he added.

The last thing to watch out for is the flu (influenza). This disease is almost similar to the variant corona virus omicron, but flu is better known to the Indonesian people as part of a tropical disease caused by the Avian Influenza A & B H5N1 virus.

"The process of understanding disease prevention is very important, people should not take it for granted, understanding and awareness is very important to protect our families and children from disease," he concluded.