Is it true that night sports are harmful to health? This is the Explanation of a Lecturer at FIK UM Surabaya

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Gambar Artikel Is it true that night sports are harmful to health? This is the Explanation of a Lecturer at FIK UM Surabaya
  • 26 Jul
  • 2023

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Is it true that night sports are harmful to health? This is the Explanation of a Lecturer at FIK UM Surabaya

Evening sports have become a trend today. There is limited time to exercise in the morning because they have to work, in the end many people exercise at night.

However, several cases of sudden death after exercising at night have occurred in several areas. Then is it true that night sports are dangerous?

Ira Purnamasari Lecturer at the UM Surabaya Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) said that the best exercise is indeed done in the morning when the body is fresh, but if there is no time to do it in the morning, then exercise may be done at night.

According to him, exercise can be done at night, the most important thing is to choose the type of exercise. Exercise that can be done at night is exercise with light to moderate intensity. Such as leisurely walking, leisurely cycling, swimming, yoga and stretching exercises.

"The best schedule for exercising at night is 90 minutes before going to bed, because the benefits that can be felt are making sleep more soundly, reducing stress and anxiety," explained Ira Wednesday (26/7/23)

Meanwhile, sports that are not recommended at night are sports with heavy intensity such as sprinting, bicycle racing, lifting heavy weights, swimming with a target, soccer, tennis, and other sports with elements of competition/games that trigger excessive adrenaline hormones. which causes the heart to beat faster.

"The recommended exercise is exercise that is in accordance with the body's abilities, taking into account the history of the disease they have, especially for someone aged 50 years and over who is not recommended to exercise with heavy intensity," he added.

Ira added, if there was a sudden heart attack while exercising, it was caused by too much exertion during exercise. Moreover, before having done sports that caused physical unpreparedness, and the lack of warming up before starting sports.

"Sudden cardiac arrest occurs in someone who already has risk factors for heart disease such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia," he added.

Symptoms that appear during a heart attack are someone complaining of chest pain, sudden shortness of breath, to a decrease in consciousness. To get medical help immediately.

"The importance of choosing a sport according to the body's ability, while still paying attention to the history of the disease you have, is a way to prevent heart attacks while exercising," concluded Ira.