Is it true that smoking makes yellow teeth, this is an explanation from a lecturer at FKG UM Surabaya

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Gambar Artikel Is it true that smoking makes yellow teeth, this is an explanation from a lecturer at FKG UM Surabaya
  • 23 May
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar (I-Stockphoto)

Is it true that smoking makes yellow teeth, this is an explanation from a lecturer at FKG UM Surabaya

Smoking is a habit that is carried out by some people in everyday life, this is also a necessity that cannot be avoided for people who experience a tendency towards smoking.

The risks that occur for smokers can have a negative impact on the health of the human body such as stroke and heart. In addition, smoking can also have a negative impact on the health of human teeth and mouth.

UM Surabaya Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) lecturer Febria Desi Kriswulan Hari explained, the nicotine and tar content in cigarettes can damage the lining of the teeth so that it affects saliva production which causes the atmosphere of the oral cavity to become acidic and can cause the mouth to feel dry, as well as the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity. .

Febri explained, the continuous accumulation of bacteria, for a certain time, can cause tartar to appear brownish yellow in color and stick tightly.

"If this is not cleaned immediately, it can cause inflammation of the gum tissue or gingivitis," said Febri Tuesday (23/5/23)

According to him, based on several studies, there are several indicators of smoking habits that can affect the discoloration of the teeth, one of which is the frequency of smoking. The frequency of smoking shows that the discoloration of the teeth is mostly found in smokers with a mild frequency with not too much cigarette consumption.

"This is because the content of a cigarette contains various types of harmful chemicals such as tar which can cause discoloration of the teeth," he stressed again.

Febri explained, one of the oral health problems is that it causes oxidative stress and has an impact on inflammation or damage to DNA in the body. This oxidative stress can cause premature aging due to stress and inflammation of the gingival epithelium (tissue in the gums), which can cause oral disease. In addition, the entry of nicotine in the body can negatively affect brain development.

“People who are addicted to using e-cigarettes can experience cognitive and behavioral disorders, including having an impact on their memory and attention to things. The effects of nicotine on the human brain can have a long-term impact,” he added.

At the end of his statement, Febri appealed to the public to maintain good and correct dental and oral health. What things can be done, namely by diligently cleaning your teeth, regularly checking with the dentist every 6 months, and if there are problems with your teeth, immediately go to the dentist. Then reduce the use of cigarettes regularly.