Here are tips for dealing with health problems that are often experienced when going home for Eid

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  • Here are tips for dealing with health problems that are often experienced when going home for Eid
Gambar Artikel Here are tips for dealing with health problems that are often experienced when going home for Eid
  • 20 Apr
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar (I-Stockphoto)

Here are tips for dealing with health problems that are often experienced when going home for Eid

Eid al-Fitr is only a few days away, people are starting to flock to their hometowns to go back and forth. In order for Lebaran homecoming to go smoothly, safely and safely until the destination must be well prepared.

Firman Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya said, the most important thing and must be prepared when going home for a long trip is excellent health, because health when going home is often not noticed by most people, even though if the body's condition is not healthy, the trip becomes uncomfortable and can actually worsen health conditions.

"That's why long before the homecoming trip, we have to make sure our bodies are in good health, and if the body's condition is not healthy, we should be able to postpone long trips, until our health conditions improve," Firman said Thursday (20/4/23)

To keep the body healthy, one can do a number of things, such as getting used to resting and sleeping regularly, especially before going home, then maintaining a healthy diet, consuming vegetables and fruits and sufficient water.

"Related to health problems that are often experienced during long trips, the first of which is dizziness, nausea and vomiting or motion sickness, this one health problem is most often experienced by many people while on a trip," he added.

According to Firman, the cause of motion sickness is usually due to improper sitting position, then frequent shocks during the trip, the smell of the vehicle's cooler does not match, and the body's condition is not healthy during the trip.

To overcome this case, one can overcome it by adjusting the most comfortable sitting position so that the body is relaxed, avoiding eating too full, using aromatherapy or eucalyptus oil to help reduce nausea.

"For someone who often travels with motion sickness, it's best to take anti-motion sickness medicine one or two hours before the trip," he added.

The second is stomach pain, this can be caused by stomach acid, then after eating spicy, sour foods and other foods that are sensitive to the stomach, apart from that eating too full can also cause stomach pain, especially when traveling.

To deal with stomach pain, one can avoid some of these foods, and when symptoms of stomach pain arise, one can take drugs such as promag, ranitidine or antacids.

Lastly is diarrhea, usually this problem can occur at the same time when someone is experiencing stomach pain, and sometimes stomach pain can disappear after we defecate.
"Therefore, so that the trip to your hometown goes smoothly, you can apply some of these tips," said Firman.