How to take medicine during Ramadan fasting? The following is the Explanation of the Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya

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Gambar Artikel How to take medicine during Ramadan fasting? The following is the Explanation of the Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya
  • 30 Mar
  • 2023

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How to take medicine during Ramadan fasting? The following is the Explanation of the Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya

During the month of Ramadan eating and drinking patterns certainly change. For people who have to take medication regularly but are also fasting, of course the time will shift. From the beginning, they were free to consume drugs for 24 hours, to only 10.5 hours a day. Changes in schedule and dosage can affect the therapeutic effect of the drug. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful in changing the drug consumption schedule.

So how do you take medicine during Ramadan fasting? The following is an explanation from Neny Triastuti, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya)

First, according to Neny, is to consult with the treating doctor. Someone is recommended, asking for a prescription for medicine that is enough to be consumed 1 or 2 times a day.

"In general, drugs that are consumed once a day can be taken at dawn or breaking the fast. Meanwhile, the medicine that is taken twice a day can be at dawn and breaking the fast, "said Neny.

Second, divide the hours of taking the medicine if you still have to take it 3 times a day. Neny said, if the medicine still has to be taken 3 to 4 times a day, it means that the medicine is taken every 8 hours or 6 hours. This condition is certainly not possible to do during fasting. According to him, the solution is to replace the drug preparation or replace it with another type of drug that has the same efficacy but works for a long time.

"If it can't be replaced, then the use of drugs during fasting should be divided in the same time frame, namely for 5 hours for 3 times a day. Namely, at 6 pm after breaking the fast, 11 pm and 4 am after sahur," added Neny again.

Neny said, the use of drugs that must be 4 times a day is not recommended during fasting, especially antibiotics.

Third, regulate the medication taken before and after meals. That is, if the drug is taken before eating, it means it is consumed 30 minutes before eating sahur or dinner. If you drink it after eating, it can be consumed 5-10 minutes later. If there is medicine that must be taken in the middle of the night after eating, then you can eat it first with bread or a little rice before taking the medicine.