Is a Distended Stomach a Nest of Disease? This is the Explanation of the Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya

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Gambar Artikel Is a Distended Stomach a Nest of Disease? This is the Explanation of the Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya
  • 09 Dec
  • 2022

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Is a Distended Stomach a Nest of Disease? This is the Explanation of the Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya

A distended stomach is a common problem experienced by most people. Apart from disturbing appearance, a distended stomach can also be a sign of a disease.

Yelvi Levani, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UM Surabaya, said that a distended stomach can be caused by various things, including hormonal conditions, increasing age, stress, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, alcohol consumption, menopause and digestive tract disorders.

"Consumption of fatty foods and foods that contain excessive sugar can also cause fat accumulation in the stomach," said Yelvi Friday (9/12/22)

Yelvi explained, after menopause, a person's stomach usually gets bigger, even though they don't experience weight gain.

"This is influenced by the decline in the hormone estrogen after menopause, causing accumulation of fat in the area around the stomach," he added again.

In addition, Yelvi said that a distended stomach can also pose a risk of various diseases, including heart disease, diabetes mellitus (diabetes), hypertension (high blood pressure), increased bad cholesterol and respiratory problems.

"A study also states that a distended stomach is also associated with sudden death, which is generally caused by a heart attack," he added.

According to him, several ways can be done to deal with a distended stomach, namely exercising regularly and consuming healthy foods. One can tone the abdominal muscles by doing abdominal exercises, but doing these exercises alone will not get rid of belly fat.

He added, to overcome this, one must also consume healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and choose sources of lean protein and low-fat dairy products. Limit added sugar and saturated fat, which are found in meat and high-fat dairy products, such as cheese and butter. One can also consume fish, nuts, and certain vegetable oils.

“Avoid drinking sugary drinks. Instead, drink lots of water. And pay attention to food portions. It is better to avoid consuming food in large quantities, “he added.

He also encourages regular exercise. Most healthy adults can do at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, or vigorous aerobic activity, such as running, 75 minutes a week. If someone uses a step counter, remember that it takes an average of 10,000 steps a day to prevent weight gain.

“Some studies show it takes 15,000 steps a day to prevent weight regain after significant weight loss. If you want to lose weight or achieve certain fitness goals, you need to exercise more,” concluded Yelvi.