What to Do When Someone Experiences Domestic Violence? This is the Explanation of a UM Surabaya Legal Expert

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Gambar Artikel What to Do When Someone Experiences Domestic Violence? This is the Explanation of a UM Surabaya Legal Expert
  • 20 Sep
  • 2022

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What to Do When Someone Experiences Domestic Violence? This is the Explanation of a UM Surabaya Legal Expert

The world of social media was shocked by the heartbreaking incident perpetrated by a public figure who was reported to have committed Domestic Violence (KDRT) which resulted in a police report.

Domestic violence in Indonesia is not a new phenomenon, and the numbers are still worrying. The National Commission on Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan) noted that for 17 years, that is, from 2004 to 2021 there were 544,452 cases of domestic violence (KDRT) in the personal sphere.

Satria Unggul Wicaksana, a lecturer and legal expert at UM Surabaya, immediately responded to the busy case.

Satria explained, by definition, according to Article 1 point 1 of Law no. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence (UU KDRT), Domestic Violence is any act against a person, especially women, which results in misery or physical, sexual, psychological, and/or neglect of the household including threats to commit acts ,