Lazy Children Study After Long Holidays, UM Surabaya Lecturers Suggest These 5 Things

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  • 03 May
  • 2023

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Lazy Children Study After Long Holidays, UM Surabaya Lecturers Suggest These 5 Things

The long vacation during the end of Ramadan and the Eid al-Fitr joint leave is over. All activities and routines are back on, including children's school activities. After a long holiday, it's not uncommon for children's learning enthusiasm to subside and decline because they still feel the holiday syndrome.

Talking about children's learning activities, means in this case the entire learning process both at school and at home. According to the theory of motivation to learn, children's motivation to learn is influenced by internal factors and external factors.

Internal factors are factors that come from within him. While external factors are factors that come from outside the child, namely the environment. So, some of the things below, should be done by teachers and parents to arouse children's learning motivation again during the long holidays.

UM Surabaya Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Lecturer Holy Ichda Wahyuni shared some tips that parents can do, so that children are not lazy to study after a long holiday.

According to Holy, the first is to create a conducive learning environment. If at school, the teacher can start by involving student participation to decorate the class on the first day of school.

“A comfortable and different class atmosphere will provide a special enthusiasm for children. Likewise with the children's study room at home," said Holy Wednesday (3/5/23)

Second, start inviting children to learn, with fun games. Like reviewing lessons with games or quizzes. This is also very beneficial for children's readiness to accept new learning material.

Third, set the duration of learning accompanied by breaks or just ice breaking. This is so that children do not feel burdened with long durations of learning without pauses.

Fourth, starting learning with a storytelling activity, the teacher can ask children to tell about memorable experiences during the holidays.

"Teachers or parents can also tell stories to children about inspirational stories from the persistence of a figure who studies diligently and knows no despair," he added.
Finally, building learning activities with friends. Learning activities with friends can also motivate children's enthusiasm for learning.