UM Surabaya Midwife Alumni Share Tips for Success in Sleep Training for Babies

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Midwife Alumni Share Tips for Success in Sleep Training for Babies
  • 15 May
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Midwife Alumni Share Tips for Success in Sleep Training for Babies

Sleep training is a method that can be taught to children to determine a regular sleep schedule every day so that it will optimize or improve the child's mood which affects intelligence, weight gain to height.

Nur Aini, a UM Surabaya Midwife Alumni, shared tips that parents can do so that sleep training for children can be successful and run well.

According to him, parents can regulate the srikandian rhythm of their children. This Srikandian rhythm is a process in the body that determines the body to rest or to be active.

"So, the first thing to do here is to teach children to understand when it's dark or night, when it's morning or light. Learning Srikandian rhythm can actually be started when children are 3 months old,” said Aini Monday (15/5/23)

How to teach children to know the process of day and night?

Parents need to wake their children every morning, at the same time. So, first set the same time in the morning. For example, every 7 o'clock in the morning the parents wake up and open the window or turn on the light, then wake up the child, don't let the child sleep too long so that they know the process of dark and light.

Next, determine the child's bedtime every night at the same time. Also do a bedtime routine with small and light activities that are done every time the child is going to bed. For example, self-cleaning which includes washing hands, washing feet, washing face, brushing teeth, going to defecate, then changing clothes to sleep, doing massages, reading books and other things.

Avoid strenuous activities such as running, jumping, laughing too much because it will make it more difficult for children to sleep.

In her statement, Aini shared 3 methods in sleep training. First, the Cry It Out Method or a method of putting the child into the bedroom, either the bedroom alone or the bedroom with the parents. Then the parents say farewell that later the child will be in the bedroom alone.

“For example, like bye-bye, good night, see you tomorrow morning or with other routines in the family. After that, the parents come out and let the child fall asleep alone in the room," he added.

Second, Ferber Method. This method adapts to the Cry it Out method. The process is almost the same as the cry it out method, it's just a slightly different method, parents can give intervals or stages for children to calm themselves down. So, when the child is getting sleepy and is put in the room and says goodbye, parents immediately leave the room.

When the child cries, wait for about 5 minutes. If it's been 5 minutes, the child is still crying. ”.

Third, camping out chair out method. A method where parents accompany the child in the room without being given milk. Only accompany and calm if the child cries. So, if the child has started to calm down and fall asleep, the parents may leave the room and then leave the child for the next process, namely being able to calm himself.

Aini also emphasized that parents need to make sure their children are full. Because when the child is full, he will no longer use his hunger to suckle while sleeping. Aini also advised that the bedroom should only be used as a bed and not for playing too, so that the child can distinguish between the playroom and the bedroom.

"Don't give food 1-2 hours before bedtime, because when given heavy food 1-2 hours before bedtime it will cause the child to wake up at night," he added.

According to him, the sleep training process will not work in a few days, it will take about a month at most if done consistently. Sleep training is not easy, but when it is successfully carried out, there are many benefits, one of which is an increase in children's appetite.

"So for parents who want to try sleep training, don't hesitate to try it, and make sure that one family has the same vision, because if someone doesn't share the child's vision and mission, it will be difficult to do this sleep training," concluded Aini.