UM Surabaya IT Experts Call These 5 Things Students Should Not Share on Social Media

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  • UM Surabaya IT Experts Call These 5 Things Students Should Not Share on Social Media
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya IT Experts Call These 5 Things Students Should Not Share on Social Media
  • 14 Oct
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar (Shutterstock)

UM Surabaya IT Experts Call These 5 Things Students Should Not Share on Social Media

Social media platforms are great for staying connected with family or friends in the college environment. With social media one can easily share many moments on platforms like Facebook, Tiktok ,Twitter, Instagram etc. However, not all content can be shared via social media.

UM Surabaya IT expert Taufiqur Rohman explained 5 things that should not be shared on social media because they can endanger privacy and security.

First is the itinerary. Taufiq emphasized that before sharing one's trip one should think twice before posting about a trip,

“For example, when attending a seminar, delegations from campus to out of town with a long estimated duration. This is to anticipate house or boarding house break-ins," said Taufiq Friday (14/10/22)

The second is location data, sharing location data will track GPS coordinates. Browsers have an overview of locations based on IP addresses or logged in accounts. This is called Geolocation, and it's often used on social media to tag posts with their current location.

Thirdly personal data information, sites like Facebook are full of valuable data for people who use social engineering to steal identities on social media.

"A person should avoid sharing information that is used to verify identity, such as date of birth, photo of driver's license, passport or credit card that contains personal information," he said again.

The four share accounts. Sharing accounts via social media, both academic system accounts and cloud accounts related to task document storage, this will make it easier for accounts to be hijacked.

"If you are forced to share using a social media platform, then it must be set closed or limited first," he explained.

The five that should not be shared are other people's disgrace, because this will have an impact on gossip that makes a person shunned by many people, even to isolate himself because he feels ashamed of other people