UM Surabaya Nutritionist Explains Types of Fruits Suitable for Iftar Menu of Ramadan

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Nutritionist Explains Types of Fruits Suitable for Iftar Menu of Ramadan
  • 23 Mar
  • 2023

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UM Surabaya Nutritionist Explains Types of Fruits Suitable for Iftar Menu of Ramadan

Fulfillment of nutritional needs must be met during fasting. Fulfillment of nutrients at the time of breaking the fast is 30% for the main meal, 10% for takjil, 15% for a snack after tarawih, 30% for the main meal at dawn and 15% for a snack before imsak.

Nutritional problems that often arise during fasting are anemia and malnutrition. If this problem is left unchecked, it will have a bad impact during the month of Ramadan, so that someone cannot take full advantage of Ramadan moments.

Intake of vitamins and minerals is also very important besides energy intake, besides that, adequate protein and fat are also needed. Fruits are a source of various vitamins (vitamins A, B1, B6, C) and minerals and dietary fiber.

Nutritionist at the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Tri Kurniawati said vitamins and minerals play a role in maintaining the optimal function of metabolic processes, providing protection against oxidative processes that can cause free radicals.

"Intake of food sources that are important when breaking the fast and meet the body's needs is intake of fruits" said Tri Thursday (23/3/23)d

In his explanation, Tri shared several types of fruit that are good to eat when breaking the fast. According to him, one of the good fruits consumed when breaking the fast is a fruit that has a sweet taste, in this case is the date palm. Dates or honey are some of the recommended appetizers.

"70% of real dates contain natural sugars (sucrose and fructose), easily absorbed by the body and produce energy quickly, so they are useful for normalizing blood sugar levels that decrease during fasting. Dates are also rich in calcium, iron, vitamin K, folic acid, and antioxidants such as carotenes, phenolics, anthocyanins and dietary fiber," explained Tri again.

Tri also advised to avoid gas-containing fruits such as jackfruit and durian. He said, fruit that contains high gas can cause bloating and stomach feels full, so it will reduce the intake of other food ingredients.

Finally, he advised people to consume fruit that contains a lot of water. Fruits that are high in water content can overcome the lack of fluids, vitamins and minerals when breaking the fast. Fruits with high water content are watermelon, oranges, pineapple, cantaloupe and the like.