UM Surabaya Nutritionist: This is a type of food that contains high protein besides tempeh

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Nutritionist: This is a type of food that contains high protein besides tempeh
  • 24 Feb
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Nutritionist: This is a type of food that contains high protein besides tempeh

The increase in soybean prices, which reached IDR 11,000 per kilogram, had an impact on tempe producers, who went on strike in various regions. So many people are starting to feel the impact and many traders are feeling nervous. Tempe is a source of vegetable protein that is familiar to Indonesians. In addition to the relatively cheap price, how to get it is also easy and available every day regardless of the season.

Responding to public anxiety regarding the scarcity of tempeh on the market, Tri Kurniawati Lecturer in Early Childhood Health and Nutrition at the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) explained that protein sources are not only obtained from tempeh as a building substance that can form new tissue for growth, replace damaged tissue and reproduce as a regulatory substance that plays a role in the formation of enzymes and guard hormones and regulators of various metabolisms.

"Protein is needed as much as 15-20% of the total calorie needs in the body, so protein is needed in the process of developing children's bodies and for wound healing," said Tri Thursday (24/2/22)

He also explained that there are two sources of protein, namely vegetable protein sources derived from plants and animal protein sources derived from animals. Animal protein sources have a higher absorption capacity than vegetable protein. The source of animal protein that has nearly perfect absorption is eggs.

"Other sources of vegetable protein apart from tempeh include nuts, green vegetables and avocados. In 100 grams of edamame beans, in its simplest serving form, boiled edamame, this Japanese favorite snack contains 11.4 grams of protein. Almonds contain 6.5 grams of protein. Spinach and broccoli each contain 2.4 grams of protein and 2 grams of protein. 100 grams of avocado contains 2 grams of protein," he added.

At the end of his statement, he explained that consumption of food ingredients other than tempeh can also meet protein needs as a type of macro substance needed by the body.