To Stay Healthy in the Rainy Season, UM Surabaya Nurses Call These 3 Foods to Avoid

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Gambar Artikel To Stay Healthy in the Rainy Season, UM Surabaya Nurses Call These 3 Foods to Avoid
  • 24 Oct
  • 2022

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To Stay Healthy in the Rainy Season, UM Surabaya Nurses Call These 3 Foods to Avoid

The humid conditions in the rainy season make it easy for germs and bacteria to multiply, so bacteria can appear anywhere and if someone is infected it can cause disease.

Nurse at University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Firman emphasized that apart from having to maintain a strong immune system, one also needs to avoid certain foods, so that our bodies are not easily affected by disease.

"First, avoid open food, meaning food served without a lid. Because the condition of food being served without a cover and left open like on the side of the road is very risky of exposure to bacteria through flies or polluted air," said Firman Monday (24/10/22)

According to him, these bacteria include Salmonella, E. Coli, listeria and other germs and bacteria which, if they infect a person's organs, will cause infection in the intestines and cause illnesses such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, typhoid fever or typhus and nausea and vomiting.

The second is to avoid eating raw food, because raw and uncooked food has a higher probability of causing illness compared to cooked food.

Why is that, because food that is still raw is likely to have a lot of bacteria attached, so that when it is consumed without cooking it will also be swallowed into the body.

According to Firman, these bacteria can live and continue to multiply in the body, and gradually cause disease.

To minimize bacteria in food, before consuming it, you need to pay attention to a number of things, such as washing food thoroughly with soap and running water before cooking, then cooking it thoroughly and washing your hands either before or after eating.

Third is fried. Connoisseurs of fried food need to be aware that frequent consumption of fried food in the rainy season is not very good. Because the cold weather in the rainy season causes the metabolic process in the body to decrease, so that's why our stomach doesn't get hungry quickly.

Many studies have been conducted, and some of them explain that fried foods contain saturated fat which is difficult for the body to digest. As a result, when the body's metabolic processes decrease, fat accumulation will occur, causing obesity or abnormal weight gain.

"Besides that, the saturated fat found in fried foods is not very good for the body. Consuming fried foods too often can cause obstructive artery disease, including hypertension, heart attacks and strokes," Firman concluded.