November 8 There is a Lunar Eclipse, FAI UM Lecturer in Surabaya: Here's the Intention and Procedure for Prayer

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Gambar Artikel November 8 There is a Lunar Eclipse, FAI UM Lecturer in Surabaya: Here's the Intention and Procedure for Prayer
  • 08 Nov
  • 2022


November 8 There is a Lunar Eclipse, FAI UM Lecturer in Surabaya: Here's the Intention and Procedure for Prayer

One of the observed natural phenomena and part of the sign of God's greatness is a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse. In several authentic hadiths, the Prophet Muhammad SAW emphatically said that the event was part of the Ayatollah, and it happened not because of someone's death or life.

A lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the sun, earth and moon are in a straight line with the earth between them.
The total lunar eclipse (GBT) phenomenon will occur on November 8, 2022, to coincide with the full moon night of 14 Rabiul Akhir 1444 H.

Rasulullah SAW strongly recommends that Muslims carry out eclipse prayers when this phenomenon takes place. The suggestion to perform special prayers is explained in the arguments contained in the Qur'an and hadith.
Commands regarding eclipse prayers are in several hadiths of the Prophet, as contained in the hadith of al-Bukhari No. 3204, 3201, 1057, Muslim No. 911, 914 Ibn Hibb?n No. 2828, and several other collections of traditions.

In addition to prayer orders, there are also suggestions to pray to Allah, take takbirm and give alms, as stated in the hadith of al-Bukhari No.1044, Muslim No.901, Abu D'ud No.1191 and al-Nas'i No.1474.

Mohammad Ikhwanuddin Head of Islamic Family Law Study Program FAI UM shared the procedure for carrying out the Eclipse Prayer which can be done in sequence as follows:

1. The Imam, or the Imam ordering others to call a?-?al?tu j?mi'ah.

2. Takb?ratul I?r?m, by saying All?hu Akbar.

3. Read the Iftit prayer??.

4. Read Surah al-F?tihah, then sura (preferably long) and read aloud (jahr)

5. Rukuk, by reading tasbih long enough.

6. Get up from bowing by reading samiā€˜all?hu li man ?amidah, makmum read rabban? wa lakal-?amd.

7. Stand up straight, then read al-Fatihah (again) and a long surah but shorter than the first.

8. Rukuk, while reading the tasbih which is longer but shorter than the first.

9. Rise from bowing

10. Bow down.

11. Sit between two prostrations.

12. Rising from prostration, standing straight doing the second cycle like the first without reading the iftitah prayer.

13. Greetings.

"After the prayer, the priest stands up to deliver a sermon which contains advice and warnings against the signs of Allah's power and calls for more istighfar, alms and various good deeds," concluded the Ikhwan.