5 Reasons Why Surabaya Deserves to Be a Place to Study

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Gambar Artikel 5 Reasons Why Surabaya Deserves to Be a Place to Study
  • 15 Jul
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar patung Suru dan Boyo (jatim.network)

5 Reasons Why Surabaya Deserves to Be a Place to Study

Big cities have always been the destination for immigrants, including prospective students who wish to pursue higher education. One of the big cities that has many choices of quality public or private universities is Surabaya. For those of you who are looking for a place to study and are still confused about choosing a major. You must know 5 reasons for choosing Surabaya City as a place to study.

1. Strategic Location and Access to Credible Higher Education

Surabaya has the right geographical location so that it is worthy of being a destination for prospective students from all regions in Indonesia. Not only prospective students from East Java and districts around Surabaya, in Surabaya you will meet students from Aceh to Papua. There are also many students from Madura, Central Java, Bali who choose to study in this hero city.

Apart from that, Surabaya is the center of the city for local immigrants or descendants. No wonder this city has a multiethnic population such as Chinese, Indians, Arabs and others.

If you are looking for the best private university in Surabaya, Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) is a worthy choice. This is because UM Surabaya provides 8 Faculties, 30 Study Programs and 3 Postgraduate Programs. Not only that, UM Surabaya is also included in the top 10 best universities in Surabaya according to UniRank.

2. Adequate Public Facilities

Studying in the city of Surabaya can make you more comfortable with adequate public facilities. Complete means of transportation from city buses, inter-city buses, taxis, trains, planes, and others. Do you want to take a private vehicle from your boarding house to campus or use public transportation? In Surabaya, you won't be confused with transportation facilities because this big city in East Java has complete transportation access.

3. Delicious and Cheap Culinary Tours

Want to eat typical Surabaya cingur salad, racing soup, klopo satay, mixed tofu, and many other delicious culinary references. Regarding the price of food, it won't make a hole in your pocket. Not only the Suroboyoan menu, regional food specialties such as Lamongan, Solo, Madura will be found in abundance in Surabaya. So for those of you who are overseas children, you don't need to worry. About the price, you can look for places to eat on the side of the road that are cheap. Money 10-20 thousand can make your stomach full once a meal.

4. The City of a Thousand Gardens

Surabaya currently has around 1,900 parks. The parks are spread throughout the Surabaya area. In addition to parks, the Surabaya government has also built around 574 sports fields.

The existence of a park makes the city of Surabaya look neat and clean. Because of that, Surabaya received various awards. According to bobo.grid.id, the Surabaya government has received several awards, one of which is the 2018 Special Mention Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize and the 2018 Yokatta Wonderful Indonesia Tourism Awards. These awards have made Surabaya known as a garden city in Indonesia.

As a student in the city of Surabaya, you can use this park to relax and do your assignments, because there is an internet network with free Wi-Fi.

Parks in Surabaya are also equipped with sports facilities. This allows residents to enjoy beautiful garden views while exercising.

5. Complete Entertainment Places and Stunning Tourist Destinations

As the second big city in Indonesia, Surabaya has a variety of complete entertainment venues. For those of you who like to hang out, you can choose a row of interesting and instagrammable cafes in Surabaya. Whether you want to go to the mall, eat at the food court, watch a movie or just go shopping, Surabaya is guaranteed to be the most complete.

Not only that, if you are bored with the typical urban atmosphere of Surabaya, you can choose a vacation at Kenjeran Beach or cross over to Madura Island via the Suramadu bridge. If you want to enjoy historical tourism, you can visit the Heroes Monument, Kedung Cowek Fort, the Education Museum, the H.O.S Tjokroaminoto Museum, the WR Soepratman Museum and other historical tours.

These five reasons for choosing to study in Surabaya can be a reference for those of you who want to graduate from SMA/MA/SMKSequivalent. Come on, choose a place to study that is conducive so you can achieve all your dreams and goals.