3 Dangers of Child Consuming Instant Noodles Too Often According to a Nutritionist at UM Surabaya

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Gambar Artikel 3 Dangers of Child Consuming Instant Noodles Too Often According to a Nutritionist at UM Surabaya
  • 07 Oct
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar (theasianparent)

3 Dangers of Child Consuming Instant Noodles Too Often According to a Nutritionist at UM Surabaya

Instant noodles are one type of food that is easy to serve and there are various variants and of course have a taste that can be accepted by the tongue. In Indonesia, instant noodles are liked by many groups, from small children to adults, many say that noodles have a good taste, practical cooking methods, and are filling.

Indonesia is now the country with the second largest consumption of instant noodles in the world after China with 41.5 billion packs. Results of the 2020 National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS). The results of processing Lokadata data on the survey results found that 92 percent or around 248.7 million Indonesians had consumed instant noodles (a unit pack of around 80 grams).

Tri Kurniawati, Nutritionist at UM Surabaya, explained that based on the 2018 Riskesdas data, the proportion of eating habits of instant noodles in Central Java Province was recorded at 3.8% (1 time per day), 58.9% (1-6 times per week) and 37.3%. (? 3 times per month).

According to the adolescent age group 10-14 years, the proportion of eating instant noodles was recorded at 11.6% (? 1 time per day), 68.3% (1-6 times per week) and 20.2% (? 3 times per month), while In the adolescent age group 15-19 years, the proportion of eating instant noodles was 11.2% (1 time per day), 67.6% (1-6 times per week) and 21.2% (3 times per month).

"A study shows that 25% of children do not consume instant noodles, 5% of children consume instant noodles