Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya

Registration Information

LIPMB aims to be a loyal partner in understanding all matters relating to the process of admitting new students, entry requirements, registration schedules, and others. For details, click

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Scholarship information

Welcome to the Scholarship Information Service. Discover the latest scholarship opportunities to realize your dream education. Don't miss this golden opportunity, let's start the journey to a bright future with us.

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Research Information

Research Services is a comprehensive source of information to broaden your horizons and support your research activities. UMSurabaya is aware of the importance of research and is committed to carrying it out in a sustainable manner.

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MBKM Information

Information Services related to campus merdeka (MBKM). Explore the various interesting information and opportunities offered by the MBKM program to support your academic and professional progress. Join the new era, of independent learning.

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The era of technological disruption, globalization, and climate change requires the next generation to have superior skills. Indonesia's projection as a developed country in 2045 requires globally competent Human Resources (HR). As a university that has been accredited as superior, UM Surabaya also has a big vision towards World Class University (WCU) in supporting the golden generation of 2045.UM Surabaya has an important role in producing innovative, adaptive, and internationally competitive graduates, as well as becoming a research center that is relevant to the needs of the global community. Becoming a WCU is not the final goal, but a means to ensure that the golden generation of 2045 has a strong foundation to make Indonesia a developed country. I invite all elements of the academic community and partners to work together to realize the vision of sustainable transformation, together, we can make the UM Surabaya campus a center of excellence recognized by the worldDr. Mundakir, S.K [Read More]

Dr. Mundakir, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep.

Rector UMSurabaya


Latest News or Articles

Latest News UM Surabaya Bakal Beri Bonus untuk Rizky Ridho dan Ramadhan Sananta
  • 26 Mar
  • 2025

UM Surabaya Bakal Beri Bonus untuk Rizky Ridho dan Ramadhan Sananta

Universitas Muhammadiyah (UM) Surabaya bakal berikan bonus untuk mahasiswanya yakni Rizky Ridho dan Ramadhan Sananta yang berlaga di Tim Nasional (timnas). Janjian bonus ini sebagai bentuk dukungan penuh kepada Timnas Indonesia yang Selasa (25/3) malam akan menghadapi Bahrain dalam lanjutan putar [Read More]

News Series

Article Series


  • 18



    MOX Execution

    MOX implementation from September 18 to 23, 2024 [Read More]

    • 08:00 - 17:00
    • Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
  • 17



    MOX Opening

    MOX (Mastama, Ordik, dan EXPO UKM) [Read More]

    • 00:07 - 17:00
    • Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
  • 09



    Technical Meeting MOX

    MOX (Mastama, Ordik, EXPO UKM) [Read More]

    • 08:00 - 15:00
    • Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya


Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru  Tahun Akademik 2025/2026 Gelombang I Telah di Buka Mulai Tanggal 16 Desember 2024 sampai dengan 31 Maret 2025Klik disini untuk mengakses informasi lebih detail [Read More]
MOX series agenda will start from September 9 to September 23 [Read More]
Registration for New Students at Muhammadiyah University Surabaya Batch 1 for 2024/2025 has been opened. More details at   [Read More]
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya membuka Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL)  gelombang 3 tahun 2024/2025. Selengkapnya di  [Read More]
Wave 1 of the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) Lecture Program has been opened from 11 December - 31 March 2024. More details at [Read More]


As a World Class Research University, UMSurabaya pays special attention to research activities and encourages lecturers and students to conduct and develop various research oriented to meet the needs of the nation. [Read More]



UMSurabaya has consistently and systematically since its founding in 1984 fighting with the people to the grassroots to build and prosper Indonesia. UMSurabaya continues to encourage an increase in the quantity and quality of research-based community service in Indonesia and internationally with the principles of sustainable development. [Read More]

